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  • 發布日期:2015-01-26      瀏覽次數:1332
    •                          斯派莎克蒸汽減壓閥在兄弟化工應用


           淮安兄弟化工有限公司采購那一臺DN65的蒸汽減壓閥,進口壓力1.0MPA,出口壓力0.3MPA,閥門應用在蒸汽管道上,應用在化工管道上,淮安兄弟投資有限公司始建于1996年,現有3家子公司淮安兄弟化工有限公司、淮安好兄弟五金化工有限公司、淮安兄弟五金貿易公司。 淮安兄弟化工有限公司位于中國歷史文化名城,*總理故鄉——江蘇省淮安市經濟技術開發區鹽堿科技產業園陸集路九號,距南京150 km,與淮安市區相距18km。化工廠政府對此屢禁不止,所有的化工產業也成為了污染的代名詞。例如吉林的一次化工廠爆炸,污染了松花江的水質,致使哈爾濱停水一周多上海申弘閥門有限公司主營閥門有:減壓閥(氣體減壓閥,可調式減壓閥,波紋管減壓閥,活塞式減壓閥,蒸汽減壓閥,先導式減壓閥,空氣減壓閥,氮氣減壓閥,水用減壓閥,自力式減壓閥,比例減壓閥)、安全閥保溫閥低溫閥球閥截止閥閘閥、止回閥、蝶閥過濾器、放料閥、隔膜閥、旋塞閥、柱塞閥、平衡閥、調節閥、疏水閥、管夾閥、排污閥、排氣閥、排泥閥、氣動閥門、電動閥門、高壓閥門、中壓閥門、低壓閥門、水力控制閥真空閥門、襯膠閥門、襯氟閥門。





                   導閥彈簧:三種顏色的彈簧,可提供從0.2-14bar g范圍內不同壓力的準確控制。




      Many reducing valve problems are caused by the presence of moisture or dirt. A steam separator and strainer with fine mesh screen, if fitted before the valve, will help to prevent such problems. The strainer is fitted on its side to prevent the body filling with water and to ensure that the full area of the screen is effective. Large isolation valves will also benefit from being installed on their side for the same reason.

      All upstream and downstream pipework and fittings must be adequay sized to ensure that the only appreciable pressure drop occurs across the reducing valve itself. If the isolating valves are the same size as the reducing valve connections, they will incur a larger pressure drop than if they are sized to match the correctly sized, larger diameters of the upstream and downstream pipework.

      If the downstream pipework or any connected plant is incapable of withstanding the maximum possible upstream pressure, then a safety valve or relief valve must be fitted on the downstream side. This valve should be set at, or below, the maximum allowable working pressure of the equipment, but with a sufficient margin above its normal operating pressure. It must be capable of handling the full volume of steam that could pass through the fully open reducing valve, at the maximum possible upstream pressure.

      Pilot operation also allows the reducing valve to be relatively compact compared to other valves of similar capacity and accuracy, and allows a variety of control options, such as on-off operation, dual pressure control, pressure and temperature control, pressure reducing and surplussing control, and remote manual adjustment. Three of these variations can be seen in Figure 7.3.6.

      Direct acting and pilot-operated control valves can be used to control either upstream or downstream pressures. Pressure maintaining valves (and surplussing valves) sense upstream pressure, while pressure reducing valves sense downstream pressure.與京滬高速入口12km,交通便利,地理位置*。公司現有員工50余人,其中工程技術員人員8名。 公司發展方向是植物提取行業。植物提取物是以植物為原料,按照對提取的終產品的用途的需要,經過物理化學提取分離過程,定向獲取和濃集植物中的某一種或多種有效成分,不改變其有效成分結構而形成的產品。植物提取物的用途非常廣泛,主要用于藥品、保健食品、煙草、化妝品、日用化學品、植物源等。公司現定位為甘草酸粉、甘草酸二鉀、甘草酸銨鹽、杏仁酸等產品專業生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。淮安兄弟化工有限公司的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。伴隨著中國經濟高速發展,中國的化工產品價格也在節節攀升。一位內部人士說,當年有的化工產品價格甚至能達到原材料成本的5至6倍。所以說,一個地區的化工產業可以*地帶動該地區的經濟發展。化工廠多依水而建,往往充足的水源可以吸引更多的化工企業。但是,中國的化工產業因此存在很多問題。很多企業一般不愿意購買處理污染的設備。這導致了嚴重的空氣污染和水污染。本文相關的論文有:中國閥門產值遞增